Translate date long format from English to Portuguese


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I’m converting a String to Date

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy",
                Date convertDate = new Date();
                String dd = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("DATA_NOTICIA");

                    convertDate = dateFormat.parse(dd);
                }catch(ParseException e){

And passing it to a listview, on the listview it appears like this: Wed Jul 13 16:52:48 GMT 2016 Can you translate this date into Portuguese? I haven’t found a way, someone’s been through it?

1 answer


Date presentation format differs from country/language to country/language.

To get the format for the desired country/language you must inform yourself to Simpledateformat its Locale.

Use this method to make Locale changes:

public static String formatDateToLocale(String data, String formato,
                                        Locale localeEntrada, Locale localeSaida) {

    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatEntrada = new SimpleDateFormat(formato, localeEntrada);
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatSaida = new SimpleDateFormat(formato, localeSaida);

    Date dataOriginal;
    String novoFormato = null;

    try {

        dataOriginal = dateFormatEntrada.parse(data);
        novoFormato = dateFormatSaida.format(dataOriginal);

    } catch (ParseException e) {


    return novoFormato;

Use like this:

String data = formatDateToLocale("Wed Jul 13 16:52:48 GMT 2016","EE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy",
                                 Locale.ENGLISH, new Locale("pt","BR"));

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