Installation phalcon-devtools


Viewed 73 times


Good staff,

I’m trying to install phalcon-devtools in xampp and I’m doing what the official documentation says to do Here.

I already set up the xampp with the phalcon dll and I already did a mini project, but I wanted devtools to help with some things. Only when I do the phalcon command after following the documentation it says:

"ERROR: Phalcon Extension isn’t installed, follow These Instructions to install it:"

I’ve seen some video of people installing almost the same way and it works... I don’t understand the mistake.

I tried to base this video, but unsuccessfully too:

Does anyone know how to solve?

1 answer


I was able to find a solution, it seems when running phalcon code on cmd it did not detect the dll on the xampp server.

So I started using ampps and followed the documentation and works well.

I think the error may be in declaring the paths in Enviroment Variables...

I hope I can help more people!


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