How to give a "refresh" after updating the new video?


Viewed 147 times


In my view, I have an old video, when I "upload" new video, want to automatically reload a new video after "upload".

Follows the code View:

<div id="embed_video" class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
    <video class="embed-responsive-item" controls>
        <source src="/Files/GetVideo?id=2" type="video/mp4">
        Seu navegador não suporta vídeo em HTML5.

Follows code Javascript:

 $('#embed_video video').get(0).load();

Javascript code only works the first time, the second time the video does not update, is as old.

Follows code Controller:

public ActionResult GetVideo(int id)
    using (var ctx = new Entities())
        var result = ctx
        byte[] video_byte = result.Video;    
        return new RangeFileContentResult(video_byte, "video/mp4", "NomeDoArquivo.mp4", date);

Some solution ?

From now on, thank you.

  • 1

    Dear Matheus, I had wrong variables in the script, I also added another check, now I think the code is 100%, if I can update to the name is better.

  • @Guilhermenascimento Yes I saw that, I didn’t warn you.

2 answers


This is because it is cached, because probably the name is the same, one way to solve is to use a random querystring (which is not repeated, as something based on timestamp).

However first it is necessary to catch the currentSrc (, something like:

var videourl = $('#embed_video video').prop("currentSrc");

Then clear the querystring:

videourl = videourl.replace(/\?(.*?&)?_=\d+$/, "?$1");

And apply the new:

videurl = videorl + "_=" +;

You can do a function like this:

function updateVideo(query, play) {
    var el = $(query).get(0); //usei o .get para ficar mais "limpo" o código, mas o resultado é indiferente no final

    if (!el) alert('Não encontrado'); return;

    var videourl = el.currentSrc;

    videourl = videourl.replace(/\?(.*?&)?_=\d+$/, "?$1");
    videourl = videourl + (videourl.indexOf("?") !== - 1 ? "&" : "?");
    videourl = videourl + "_=" +;

    el.src = videourl;

    if (play); //o play já executa o load

The use would be something like:

updateVideo('#embed_video video', true);

Or without autoplay:

updateVideo('#embed_video video', false);


I think I answered that same question or a very similar one yesterday... but goes below:

  • I’ve tried and nothing happens, it remains the old video.

  • But if you directly refer to your action, it returns the correct content?

  • It works only the first time when calling action, in the second, third etc... never calls action.

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