Http method post, date parameter is passing always empty (Angularjs + Laravel 5.2)


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I am using the Angularjs + Standard to build my application. The point is, I own $Cope.frequencias, which contains some information about a student’s attendance. I made an angular foreach to send this data to the database, however my data parameter (which contains this Scope) is always passing as empty.


angular.forEach($scope.frequencias, function(value, i, frequencias){
      $scope.frequencia = [];

      $scope.frequencia = frequencias[i];
      url = frequencias[i].url;
      //Aqui é mostrado o scope que quero enviar para o banco, está correto
      //aqui é mostrada a url para o metodo, que também está correta

              method: 'POST',
              url: url,
              data: $.param($scope.frequencia),
              headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
              }).success(function(response) {
              }).error(function(response) {
                  alert('Um erro ocorreu. Check a log para mais detalhes.');

The controller of the Laravel, which receives the Scope and inserts it into the bank


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controler;
use App\Frequencia;
use Carbon\Carbon;

class Frequencias extends Controller
	public function salvar(Request $request)
			$frequencia = new Frequencia;

	        $frequencia->data_frequencia = 
	        $frequencia->numero_faltas = 
			$frequencia->aluno_id = 
			$frequencia->disciplina_id = 


	public function update(Request $request)
		$id = $request->input('id');

		$frequencia = Frequencia::find($id);

        $frequencia->data_frequencia = 
          $request-  >input('data_frequencia');
        $frequencia->numero_faltas = 
		$frequencia->aluno_id = 
		$frequencia->disciplina_id = 


The routes used by the Laravel

//rotas para frequencia



When arriving at the controller, it tries to insert the parameters as null, and the error in the database, because some attributes are joined. I insert this way in several points of my application, and only in the one that is giving problem. Thanks in advance for the help.

  • When you send post to the method you need to debug in the browser console, you have already done this...?

1 answer


Check that the parameter "data_frequencia" is actually being sent. As generally use Chrome, in Developer Tools -> Network la has its POST, ve se esta enviar algum valor.

And a hint, use the value variable instead of the array, for example.

 angular.forEach($scope.frequencias, function(frequencia, index){

        method: 'POST',
        url: frequencia.url,
        data: $.param(frequencia),
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    }).success(function(response) {
    }).error(function(response) {
        alert('Um erro ocorreu. Check a log para mais detalhes.');

  • Nothing is being sent... not in your way, not in mine, I don’t know what to do

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