URL error in google search with Laravel


Viewed 54 times


Speak people, I’m with the following problem I developed this site here, If you go to google and type pass well contests it appears in the search quietly, put this on desktop version. Now if you try to access the mobile version on google it finds the site more instead of using the URL standard that would be www.passebemconcursos.com.br he does that m.passebemconcursos.com.br and this makes the page no longer open if I go and type in the search bar in the browser to URL correct it quietly opens the same problem being when they search the site on google itself. I’m using laravel I wonder if you have how to convert this URL to the right.

  • Check it out: https://laravel-news.com/2014/06/laravel-user-agent-and-mobile-detection/

  • @seamusd thanks friend more these tags they go where in my code in Routes in controllers ? I’m kind of new yet

  • Kirito I don’t know anything about Laravel either, but I suggest you take a Ctrl+F, do a search of the entire project to see if there is a isMobile().

1 answer


Guys manage to solve my problem here is the answer in case someone has the same error I opened the file .HTACESS and put a redirect

redirect 301 http://m.seusite.com.br/aquivo_novo.htm http://www.seusite.com.br/aquivo_novo.htm

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