Do a custom validation on Laravel 5


Viewed 2,387 times


I have a system on Laravel 5. I have a Form Request validating the fields of a form with some rules.

And here’s what I needed to do: I have a tab on the form that registers the partners of a company. The user has the option to register or not the members. I have a checkbox that controls this, it comes "false" by default... So if the user wants to register the partner, he "checks" the checkbox to fill in the membership data.

I would like to do a function that if the partner’s checkbox is checked, it does the validation in the fields: - name, - participation. Otherwise, it does not validate in these fields.

I saw a way to create a Serviceprovider for this, but how will I take the field "cadsocios" (checkbox) and check if it has value within a Request in the Standard?

  • what is the version of your Laravel?

2 answers


A field that may or may not be mandatory that depends on another field (in your case is a checkbox), should use the required_if which follows the nomenclature:



In the fields below there’s a input of the kind checkbox with the value true, that if the input of the kind text by the name of nome have to have at least 1 typed letter:

    <input type="checkbox" value="true" name="liberar">
    <input type="text" value="" name="nome">

in his FormRequest:

public function rules()
    return [
         'nome' => 'required_if:liberar,true'

Your code would look something like this:

    <input type="checkbox" value="true" name="socio">
    <input type="text" value="" name="nome">
    <input type="text" value="" name="participacao">

public function rules()
    return [
         'nome' => 'required_if:liberar,true',
         'participacao' => 'required_if:liberar,true'

I see no reason to build a custom validation, but, has a step-by-step link, if you prefer.

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In the Service Provider that does the validation you can use the $this, why it references the Controller Request.

public function rules()



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