Checkbox All Specific


Viewed 39 times


I’m using javascript on a "Mark All" button to mark all checkbox of my system, however, now I would like to mark only the checkbox of a specific block or of a specific enterprise that defines each block. Companies are being listed through a loop, I can not only mark the checkbox of a specific company, is marking all.

Does anyone have a solution? From now on, thank you!

 /* Lista Empresas */
                    foreach($listarempresa as $empresa){

                        $listaremail = listarEmails($conexao,$empresa["empresaid"]);

                <!--Oculta Elementos-->
                        $("#empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>").css("display", "none");
                  <div class="collection">
                   <a href="#!" class="collection-item" data-element="#empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>" style="color:#005129; font-size:13px;"><?=$empresa["empresa"]?><span class="badge">

                <div id="empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>">
                   $i = 0;
                        <!-- Lista Emails de uma Empresa especifica através da chave empresaid -->
                       <?php foreach($listaremail as $emails){

                    if($empresa["empresaid"] == $emails["empresaid"]){?>

               <input type="checkbox"  name = "email<?=$i?>[]" value="<?=$emails["endemail"]?>" id="teste5<?=$i?>" />
               <label for="teste5<?=$i?>" style="font-size:13px"><?=$emails["nome"]." ("?><?= $emails["endemail"].")"?></label>

                <?php $i++; }?>

                 <?php   } ?>

              <div class="switch">
                  <!-- Botão Marcar Todos -->
      <input type="checkbox" onclick="marcarTodos(this.checked);" name="email0[]" id="teste5<?=$i?>">
      <span class="lever"></span>
      <label for="checkall" style="font-size:14px;"></label>



I would like him to mark only the emails listed according to the company, and he is marking all emails from all companies.

 /* Lista Empresas */
                    foreach($listarempresa as $empresa){

                        $listaremail = listarEmails($conexao,$empresa["empresaid"]);

                <!--Oculta Elementos-->
                        $("#empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>").css("display", "none");
                  <div class="collection">
                   <a href="#!" class="collection-item" data-element="#empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>" style="color:#005129; font-size:13px;"><?=$empresa["empresa"]?><span class="badge">

                <div id="empresa<?=$empresa["empresaid"]?>">
                   $i = 0;
                        <!-- Lista Emails de uma Empresa especifica através da chave empresaid -->
                       <?php foreach($listaremail as $emails){

                    if($empresa["empresaid"] == $emails["empresaid"]){?>

               <input type="checkbox"  name = "email<?=$i?>[]" value="<?=$emails["endemail"]?>" id="teste5<?=$i?>" />
               <label for="teste5<?=$i?>" style="font-size:13px"><?=$emails["nome"]." ("?><?= $emails["endemail"].")"?></label>

                <?php $i++; }?>

                 <?php   } ?>

              <div class="switch">
                  <!-- Botão Marcar Todos -->
      <input type="checkbox" onclick="marcarTodos(this.checked);" name="email0[]" id="teste5<?=$i?>">
      <span class="lever"></span>
      <label for="checkall" style="font-size:14px;"></label>


  • 2

    I believe that showing the HTML of how the checkbox and your group are doing can help.

  • Enter the code you are using and as if possible a print of how Voce would like it to stay.

  • I would like him to mark only the emails listed according to the company, and he is marking all emails from all companies. The code is found in the link:

  • You have to report if there is a link between what will be branded and companies, as well as a differentiation between the companies themselves. This will be set in the values of id and rel checkbox

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