How to show what was selected in the post method


Viewed 135 times


Wanted to display on the screen what was selected by the user in the post method, how could do this.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui this is my method ,I want to show on the screen the chosen option , as select and input Month .

<h2>Relatório de Protocolo</h2>
<form id="formBuscaProtocolo" name="" method="post" action="view/pgs/relatorios/exibiRelatorio.php" target="_blank">
        <div style="border-radius:5px;padding:10px;">
            <table class="" cellspacing='0' width='100%' border ='0'>
                    <td style="width: 20%">Setores:</td> 
                        <select style="width: 301px;" name="cadastro.cad_setor" id="cadastro.cad_setor">
                            <?php $listaDados = $Usuario->carregaSetores(); ?>
                    <td><input style="width: 296px; " name='cadastro.cad_setor' type='month'/></td>
                    <td><button id="" class="BlueButton" type="submit">Gerar Protocolo</button></td>

and this is the part I want to show what was selected in the post method , before the data coming from the database.

<?php print_r($_POST);?>
                <table width="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2" BORDER="1" class='tabelaProt'>
                                             <th>Alguma Coisa</th>
                                             <th>Alguma Coisa</th>
                                             <th>Alguma Coisa</th>
                                             <th>Alguma Coisa</th>

            //echo "</pre>"; print_r($_indoperacional); exit;
     foreach($exibiRelatorios as $Relatorios){
          echo '<tr>';
          echo '<td align=center>'.$Relatorios.'</td>';
          echo '<td align=center>'.$Relatorios.'</td>';
          echo '<td align=center>'.$Relatorios.'</td>';
          echo '<td align=center>'.$Relatorios.'</td>';

          echo '</tr>';

  • print_r($_POST), would solve?

  • @Similar Williamaandino appears that Array ( [cadas_cad_sector] => ) and I want one of the selected sectors to appear. I updated the question.

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