Problem with Laravel Online application


Viewed 50 times


Guys, I upped my app Laravel Online and gave the following error:

Fatalerrorexception in Authserviceprovider.php line 9: Class 'Illuminate Foundation Support Providers Authserviceprovider' not found

Can someone give me a light ? I’m new to the framework !!

  • How you raised the application?

  • Did you make this mistake in what situation? Have you tried running php artisan optimize?

  • I created a directory at the root of the hosting and uploaded the files. To access the link I typed

  • you have already checked the file Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\AuthServiceProvider has been copied to your hosting correctly?

  • Do you have skype ? I’m new with Windows ...

  • I don’t have. Put more details about your questions that makes it easier to help

  • I updated Poser and now it is giving another error, see

  • @Brunocesar you have access to online command line?

  • 1

    The error says that the file AuthServiceProvider.php does not exist. Check if your files are ok

  • 1

    @Brunocesar to with you on Skype :p


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