How to Reset Form Select2 and Multiselect Fields


Viewed 1,511 times


I have a registration form where I reset the fields when entering a record with the following:

document.getElementById(id).reset(); //Aqui passo o id do formulário

The problem is I have a field now Select2 and a multiselect that are not being reset.

<select name="funcao_id" class="form-control select2">

<select multiple id="exames" name="exames[]" class="form-control">

    $(function () { $(".select2").select2(); });

I put only the relevant parts of the code, in case I need something else.

2 answers


The syntax to reset the Select2 is .select2("val", "");.

You can use it like this:

$('select').select2(); // iniciar o select2
$('form').on('reset', () => { // acionar quando o reset acontecer
  $(this).find('select').select2("val", ""); // fazer reset do select2



try like this:


this code will leave selected the first item

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