https (webservice) requisition from the São Paulo Public Treasury


Viewed 122 times


I’m trying to make a request https the Webservice of the São Paulo Public Treasury, but I don’t know where I’m going wrong.

This is the address:

According to the guidance of manual, no authentication is required.

Basically, I want the committed expense of a given year. My code is this one:

   query = list(op="ConsultarDespesas",

I get the following error:

Erro: 1: Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 52 and br
2: Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 49 and br
3: EntityRef: expecting ';'
4: Opening and ending tag mismatch: br line 43 and p
5: AttValue: " or ' expected
6: attributes construct error
7: Couldn't find end of Start Tag font line 85
8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 85 and font
9: Opening and ending tag mismatch: span line 83 and p
10: AttValue: " or ' expected
11: attributes construct error
12: Couldn't find end of Start Tag font line 90
13: Opening and ending tag mismatch: pre line 87 and font
14: AttValue: " or ' expected
15: attributes construct error
16: Couldn't find end of Start Tag font line 97
17: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 41 and font
18: AttValue: " or ' expected
19: attributes construct error
20: Couldn't find end of Start Tag font line 98
21: Opening and ending tag mismatch: body line 39 and font
22: AttValue: " or ' expected
23: attributes construct error
24: Couldn't find end of

Can someone help me with that?

  • I already tried to do this request and could not. Here not error when I do b <-xml2::read_html(content(a, "text")). But I don’t know if that answers.

  • 1

    Hi Daniel, I solved the problem. I’ll put the answer below.

1 answer


I ended up partially solving (works only from 2010) the issue with the function curlPerfom() package RCurl. I took the example from here. From that, I got the information on the header and the body here and created a function to extract the expenses of a governmental body, whose code I obtain from here, 'Cause that’s all I needed.

Naturally, one can include other variables in the function and adjust the paste0(). I do not know if it is the best solution, but I am satisfied because I will be able to manipulate all expenses of São Paulo.



  # O objeto (hd) abaixo contém contém o header 

hd<-c(Accept = "text/xml",
        Accept = "multipart/*",
        'Content-Type' = "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
        SOAPAction= ""

# O objeto (body) abaixo contém o body com as respectivas variáveis. Meu interesse está somente no código do órgão e no ano.
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
  <AutenticacaoHeader xmlns="">
  <ConsultarDespesas xmlns="">
    '</codigoOrgao> # Quero somente a despesa do MP

h = basicTextGatherer() # A função curlPerfom não deposita os resultados em lugar algum,
# Eu preciso desse objeto (h) com funções que coletam o conteúdo.

### Agora estamos prontos, temos o header, o body, a função para coletar e, além disso, devido a um provavel
### malfuncionamento do ssl, pedir para ignorar a verificação 
curlPerform(url = "",
            httpheader = hd,
            postfields = body,
            .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE),

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