Sending Arraylist and General value to another Activity


Viewed 45 times


I am creating an Activity, for example A and in it I have to add data of Releases (This class I Serialized), as name, type, etc... and I add also the updated general value on the screen and I have the button to list, where I’ll list all the launches and where my only problem is...

How to send the array for this activity? And when I get back to the main screen I’ll need the list again and the overall value...

  • I advise you to make one Tuor here to learn better with ask good questions and get better answers yet.

  • It was really confusing. It would be good to give us an example of the code, where you get this list, and etc

  • Hey, guys... sorry... it’s my first time here, but you can let me be getting better... thanks!

1 answer


  • Oii! Thanks for the help... but what I needed was to work with startActivityForResult... I was able to send my Array to another Activity and back.

  • Now I’m looking for a way to click on my View list and when clicking the data of the item will return to the editing Activity, where I can edit the item or delete... You have an example to show me?

  • can’t make the same way back?

  • Credit that you need to exchange your listview for recyclerview. With this list you can change your "data" behind notifydatasetchanged

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