Nfephp 3.10 - XML passes in 3 validators but does NOT transmit to Sefaz


Viewed 169 times


I am using the Nfephp API. The goal is very simple. It receives a TXT generated in the Sefaz Emitter patterns. It transforms into XML and transmits. I validated XML in these validators, no problem:

But in the API gives the following error 225 return:

"Rejection: Nfe Batch Schema XML Failure"

I’ve read tons of stuff on the Internet and I can’t find a solution.

Would anyone there be able to help me? How to know more details of the error besides this message?

1 answer


The Rejection (225): "Failure in the XML Schema of the Nfe batch (Electronic Invoice) " indicates that the NF-e filling may have been done wrong, however, as this rejection is generic, we have to consider other problems such as:

Espaços entre as TAGs do XML;
Quebras de Linhas;
Caracteres especiais;
Nome de TAGs errados;
Versão do XML diferente do esperado pelo Web Service;

In practice, what that means?

Poor XML file formation will influence the validation of NF-e schemas and result in rejection 225.

Case in point:

If you have made an NF-e that contains spaces between tags, line breaks or have entered wrong tag names, rejection 225 will be applied.

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