Block Ubmit if the "real time" check indicates that the email is already registered


Viewed 148 times


I’m using AJAX and PHP to check in real time if the email is already registered in my BD, it shows a message in DIV #reply, whether the email already exists or not, so far so good. But if the email already exists it simply continues and accepts SUBMIT.


    <input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="" placeholder="Digite seu e-mail" required>
    <div id="resposta"></div>

    <script language="javascript">
        var email = $("#email"); 
            email.blur(function() { 
                    url: 'verificaEmail.php', 
                    type: 'POST', 
                    data:{"email" : email.val()}, 
                    success: function(data) { 
                    data = $.parseJSON(data); 


#Verifica se tem um email para pesquisa

    #Recebe o Email Postado
    $emailPostado = $_POST['email'];

    #Conecta banco de dados 
    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "academia");
    $sql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE Email = '{$emailPostado}'") or print mysql_error();

    #Se o retorno for maior do que zero, diz que já existe um.
        echo json_encode(array('email' => 'Ja existe um usuário cadastrado com este email')); 
        echo json_encode(array('email' => 'Usuário valido.' )); 

Example, in my form, I have the field repeat the password.

<input name="senha_confirma" type="password" value="" placeholder="Confirme sua senha" required oninput="validaSenha(this)">

I am using setCustomValidity to check if the password is the same as the first "password field":

function validaSenha (input){ 
    if (input.value != document.getElementById('txtSenha').value) {
    input.setCustomValidity('As senhas não coincidem!');
  } else {

This way the user cannot give SUBMIT before fixing it. Can someone help me solve my problem with the email field ?

  • You can hide the button if the return is true, or disable the next inputs if required.

  • I don’t mean JS that much, but here’s what I was thinking. You could make the ajax return a value, e.g.: if the email exists ajax returns "true", if it does not exist, it returns "false". Dai I use the 'setCustomValidity' as follows, if ajax returns true, I show ('This e-email already exists, try another'), and if ajax returns false, just proceed, in the same style as I used in the 'validateNew'. Something like this would be possible ?

  • I didn’t realize it goes through POST. See if this is what you need in a reply from

1 answer


Here’s an ex of what you need to do:

<form id="my_form">
   <span onclick="submit()">submit</span>

   function submit()
       } else {
         alert('email invalido');
  • Intendi, but in (emailOK) would that ? E with setCustomValidity have no ? Make the ajax return true or false, and take this return and use in 'setCustomValidity'

  • emailOk he its email validation function

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