Receive two positive numbers and repeat the interval between them with while?


Viewed 729 times


How to make a Javascript program that takes two positive numbers and repeats the interval between them using while?

var num1 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com primeiro numero"));
var num2 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com segundo numero"));

var numero = 0;

if( num1 >=0 && num2 >=0){

   while (numero>= num1 && numero >=num2){

      document.write (numero+" ");



  • What is repeating the interval between them? Repeating what? Is the interval inclusive or exclusive? On both sides?

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3 answers


There is a problem in the condition of while and is not considering that the numbers are not necessarily sorted. You can do so:

var num1 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com primeiro numero"));
var num2 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com segundo numero"));
if (num1 >= 0 && num2 >= 0) {
    var i = Math.min(num1, num2);
    while (i <= Math.max(num1, num2)) console.log(i++);

If you prefer the for and more "intelligent":

var num1 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com primeiro numero"));
var num2 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com segundo numero"));
for (var i = Math.min(num1, num2); num1 >= 0 && num2 >= 0 && i <= Math.max(num1, num2); i++) console.log(i);

I put in the Github for future reference.


Good considering that num2 is larger than num1 the code to be able to count between them may be the following:

var num1 = 3;
var num2 = 14;

var numero = num1;

if ((num1 >=0 && num2 >=0) && num1 < num2){
  while (numero <= num2){
  • but if in this program you need to have 2 entries using prompt as it would be


You can compare the numbers and issue an order to run the while. It would be something like that:

var num1 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com primeiro numero"));
var num2 = Number(window.prompt("Entre com segundo numero"));

var start, end;
if (num1 > num2) (start = num2, end = num1);
else if (num1 < num2) (start = num1, end = num2);
else start = end = num1;

var i = start - 1;
while (i++ < end) {
    document.body.innerHTML += i + '<br>';

To do the same without using the extremes can be so:

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