- Two machines (A and B), both on the same local network and with Vagrant and virtualbox installed. One is Windows and the other is mac
- On machine A I have a box Homestead (Laravel/Homestead) with all my ambisnte.
I need machine B to access the box folders and URL of machine A. Here’s what I’ve tried to do that won’t answer me:
- Vagrant share --ssh. Does not answer me because it drops after an hour
- Vagrant package and publish the environment.
- It doesn’t suit me because I don’t want other developers to have to climb up a box on their own machines
- Copy vagrantfile or environment to other machines and Vagrant up.
- Do not answer me for the reason mentioned above
Below follows in detail what I have already done .
Solution - SHARE --SSH
Running these 3 commands as documentation I managed to achieve the goal:
- Share
- connect
- ssh
Machine A:
vagrant login
vagrant share --ssh
Machine B:
vagrant connect --ssh
Everything worked out. But this solution does not answer me because the connection drops after an hour as documentation: security share
Solution - Package or copy Vagrantfile environment
Solutions through box publishing on hashicorp
vagrant package
or by copying the environment (vagrantfile) to then give a
vagrant up # na máquina B
They don’t answer me either.
Does anyone have any suggestions to help me?
I would like to leave the machine A always on so that the developers' machine B, C or D access it through an IP or something like that.
I wonder if I can do this through Private_network or Public_network vagrantfile?
Someone who knows these resources and has already done something similar can help me, please.
Thanks a lot.