Documentation on WPF with pure C# code


Viewed 203 times


WPF is what’s "new" for development, not only desktop but also mobile. However, almost all material that is available on WPF is fully tied to the use of IDE and XAML.

But XAML is an intermediate language, it is compiled into C#, which is then compiled into the final executable. Thus, it is possible to delete XAML and encode directly in C#.

I understand this is impractical from a productivity point of view, but I believe it is important to also know the API.


Where can I find the documentation about the WPF class library? I know it’s probably in the MSDN domain, but honestly I have a tremendous difficulty finding anything there. I find the site unfriendly.

[off] Here’s something MS should learn from the communities open source, prepare documentation.

  • Really the site is little friendly. Look, I’ve been programming lately using Winforms and migrated to WPF, I don’t even know what this XAML is, I’m using normally as if it were a Winforms and so far I haven’t found any barriers

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    I don’t think WPF is what "there is new" in the development scenario for Windows. It seems that it is no longer the main focus on favoring Universal Windows Platform (UWP). This should get more innovations, but the WPF will not die anytime soon.

  • @rodorgas you are correct, I was mixing things by the fact that both use XAML so much UWP how much WPF. I thought everything was WPF.

2 answers


The documentation is Microsoft Docs, specifically the namespace Windows. The starting point of the documentation is FCL.

WPF is 10 years old (on the date I wrote this) and is only used for desktop. Today it can be used with . NET Core or . NET 5 (which is Core) forward.

  • WPF is not also using in application development for Windows Phone and the new concept of Universal Apps ?

  • Another doubt the XAML code is converted to compile or run time?

  • 1

    No. There is use of XAML, not WPF, they are completely different things. That’s another question, but this is kind of complicated. There is a build-time conversion to BAML and this is converted to CIL at runtime.


The XAML documentation can be found at the link XAML (XAML language)

In this case, XAML focuses on Xamarin, more specifically, on Xamarin.Forms.

In the Windows world, what’s important is always hard to find.

Good luck.

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