Calculation in Excel and PHP/SQL with different result


Viewed 65 times


I made the calculation of a column in my spreadsheet and the value is X. However, when I calculate the column with SQL using SUM, or even in a loop with PHP, the value is different.

The funny thing is that the values between SQL/PHP match, the result of Excel is the only different.

In the column there are values with the following formatting: 8.923245614035087, and also there are values with E, some blank...

  • 1

    this is simple to solve, limit the number of digits after the comma to for example 5 digits in both, which will get the same result. In php use numbr_format($numero,'2') and excel has an icon for this.

  • It turns out I need the exact number for the calculation, since it will be used for graphics, etc...

  • Can inform why PHP/SQL and EXCEL interpret differently?

  • 1

    Interprets for the reason described above, the number of digits after the comma. I use for graphics constantly this function that I mentioned and always leave 5 characters, the accuracy will be practically the same, except if applied for rainfall use. General data. Experiment in both how many digits will be satisfactory.

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