Store New Value by Updating Old Value


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Can someone help me with a PHP and MYSQL function?

Today I have a view for Expense and Revenue Launch. I also have a box, which, when I launch an Revenue,the value is added to the box and when I set an expense, the value is subtracted from this box. (so far it works)

I’m having problems editing the value of this release.

When I’m editing an expense for example, it’s adding up the cash total with the expense amount.

I want the value of the box to be updated when editing a release.

Type: As if I deleted the old release and included a new release with the same ID, but different value and the box updated according to the edition.

I have a table that contains a column "value" and another column "old value_value".

I need the old value to always store the last value.

First Register:
Value = 10,00
Old value = Null

First Amendment:
Value = 30,00
Old value = 10,00

Second amendment:
Value = 50,00
Old value = 30,00

And I need the function to do the same, today I’m using the following function to update the balance:(Does not work accordingly)

function atualizaSaldoEditar($valor,$conta,$tipoLancamento) {

    $valor = $this->input->post('valor');
    $valorAntigo = $this->input->post('valor_antigo');
    $conta = $this->input->post('conta_id');        

    $atual = "SELECT saldo from contas where idConta=?";
    $this->db->query($atual , array($conta));
    $receita = $atual - $valorAntigo + $valor;
    $despesa = $atual - $valorAntigo + $valor;
    $tipoLancamento = $this->input->post('categoria_id');

    if($tipoLancamento == 1){
        $sql = "UPDATE contas set saldo = saldo + ? WHERE idConta = ?";
        $this->db->query($sql, array($receita , $conta));
        $sql = "UPDATE contas set saldo = saldo - ? WHERE idConta = ?";
        $this->db->query($sql, array($despesa , $conta));

Accounts table (where the balance is stored)

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `contas`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
  `conta` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
  `banco` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
  `numero` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,  
  `saldo` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,
  `status` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
  `data_cadastro` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idConta`))

Table where the releases are stored

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `lancamentos`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
  `idLancamentos` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `descricao` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `valor` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  `valor_antigo` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
  `data_vencimento` DATE NOT NULL,
  `categoria_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `conta_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `data_pagamento` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `cliente_fornecedor` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `forma_pgto` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `anexo` VARCHAR(250) NULL,
  `clientes_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idLancamentos`),
  INDEX `fk_lancamentos_clientes1` (`clientes_id` ASC),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_lancamentos_clientes1`
    FOREIGN KEY (`clientes_id`)
    REFERENCES `clientes` (`idClientes`)
  • UPDATE contas set valor_antigo = valor, valor = ? WHERE idConta = ? It wouldn’t just be that in SQL?

  • In table accounts, there is no old value column

  • What’s going on, I don’t understand the problem.

  • So put the existing information in tables, code, etc etc etc, you put it to us !!!

  • I just put.

  • What is the doubt??? because the SQL I posted of example would be a great reference.

  • value and old value wouldn’t have to be a decimal? Has problems!

  • I’m not having problems when it’s decimal, I want to store only the value already calculated, but I can change it.

  • @Wagnerson change, while in time. the code in PHP is simple practically you have done it need so change the SQL to suit!

  • @Virgilionovic, this is the problem. I tried other querys, but I couldn’t. Honestly, I don’t know how to do it. Even because the updating of values in the table, it is not working and I did not find a way to make it work.

  • Working with accounts is always tricky. It can be a good thing to work with chargebacks, rather than wanting to edit a release. That is, when "edit" the launch, before performing the operation, you load the bank launch, mark it as chargeable and add/subtract the balance (depending on whether it is credit or debit). Then you make a new release with the current value and refresh the balance again. It may sound bureaucratic, but it will be easier to track changes and corrections if necessary, especially when it involves money.

  • @Newtonwagner, yes, absolutely! And looking this way, it’s safer. I’ll try something like this... I’m already changing the layout.

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2 answers


In your code, you make no mention of the table releases, ie you are not registering the releases that will result in the balance of the table accounts.

In addition to updating the balance in the accounts table, you need to run a INSERT INTO... in the table of releases. This must be being done in another method that was not pasted here (something like insert).

By your question, it seems that you are also wanting to save the last balance before the current release. For this, you should add the column old value column accounts (instead of table entries). There yes with a UPDATE you resolve (as @Virgilionovic). If the old value column in the table already serves to record this, just search where this Tablea is being used to record the releases and use the update in the table "lancamentos".

  • I’m having no problem including the values. There is a method that is doing this. .

  • The way will be to create a new column saldo_anterior on the table contas for this. E at the end of the method function atualizaSaldoEditar($valor,$conta,$tipoLancamento) execute the UPDATE (@Virgilionovic): UPDATE contas set saldo_anterior = saldo, saldo = ? WHERE idConta = ? Attention, because in the table accounts there is no column value!

  • This, actually in the tabla accounts, contains the column Balance (which receives the calculation of the launch value). I created a previous account table column. But anyway, I believe that there should be a function to always launch the old value and the current value

  • This depends on the modeling, I did not understand what would be the function of having the value of the previous release. Each release is something unique (it has unique date, type, value). Having only the value as the record of the "previous" I find something "incomplete". If you really want to have the value of the previous release, I suggest creating a field "id_lancamento_anterior" where you can store only the ID of the previous release. Managing this can be tricky (for example, in case of deleting a release). But it is an idea to get the immediately previous record.

  • To have the history, a select grouping by the most important columns (categoria_id, conta_id) returns the history and solves the need well.

  • In fact, the previous release was just a way I found to be able to edit a release, subtract from the previous ID release and add the new release to the same ID.

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I recommend you leave the work with Mysql, using TRIGGERS

That way you can do something like:

CREATE TRIGGER `nome_trigger` 
SaldoAnterior = OLD.Saldo

Suppose a table:

- id (Padrao : AUTO INCREMENT)
- Saldo
- SaldoAnterior (Padrão : "0")

If you do this:

INSERT INTO tabela (`Saldo`)  VALUES ('10')

Assuming this INSERT is ID = 1, doing this:

UPDATE tabela SET Saldo = 50 WHERE id = 1;

Will automatically trigger the TRIGGER, resulting:

SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE id = 1

id: 1
Saldo: 50
SaldoAnterior: 10

This is an example of another (and in my best opinion) solution, you should suit your needs, logically.

I will not emphasize this, but beware of manipulating "balance" out of TRANSACTION and without LOCK and be aware of what level of isolation you are using, as there is no code at all I believe everything is ok.

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