Reload anchors


Viewed 20 times


I am developing a website - - this is the temporary link.

So the question is this: when I click on the menu links the anchors work normally. However, when I click on the "see more" buttons on the specialties part the anchors malfunction.

So, I need some method, whether in js, html, css or any other language to reload the accuracy of anchors.

Help me PF I researched a lot and found no one with this same problem.

Thank you. :)

  • even without opening the "See more" button the anchor is not needed. But when it opens it is very disfigured

  • I do not understand any of this subject, but the site is very cool >)

  • I have no idea what you mean by "precise anchors" ... you can give an example or build a jsFiddle to understand better?

  • By clicking on the Ancoras links it doesn’t go to the right place. it rolls to a place kind of that "nothing to see"

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