Problems in a query performed within a Stored Funcion in Mysql


Viewed 28 times


I have a problem in a consultation on Mysql held within a Funcion.

The question is the following, among the various activities that the ai function performs, is to test whether certain data has already been inserted in a table.

The table is simple, it has the ID (primary key) id_fb (foreign key) and data insertion date (datetime).

When I perform the query in phpMyAdmin, it returns the correct values, but when I run the same query inside the function, it makes the value of the first row of the table.

The function is as follows (only with the relevant part)


 CREATE FUNCTION teste1 (id_fb INT)


    DECLARE ID_final varchar(20);

    SELECT `id` INTO ID_final FROM `brindes_teste` WHERE DATE(`data_hora`) = CURDATE() AND `id_fb` = id_fb LIMIT 1;

    RETURN CONCAT('JÁ PARTICIPOU HOJE = ', ID_final, ' ID_FB=' ,id_fb );        

 END $$

The table is as follows:

Table structure brindes_teste

CREATE TABLE `brindes_teste` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `id_fb` bigint(17) DEFAULT NULL,
  `data_hora` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Tabela brindes - DEV';

Doing data dump to table brindes_teste

INSERT INTO `brindes_teste` (`id`, `id_fb`, `data_hora`) VALUES
(2, 1235900, '2016-09-18 00:00:00'),
(3, 1441809, '2016-09-18 00:00:00'),
(4, 1453793, '2016-09-18 00:00:00'),
(7, 1249127, '2016-09-18 00:00:00'),
(9, 1737770, '2016-09-18 00:00:00');

When I perform the following consultation:

SELECT `id` FROM `brindes_teste` WHERE DATE(`data_hora`) = CURDATE() AND `id_fb` = 1249127 LIMIT 1;

The result is 7, what is expected

Now, when the same query is performed within the funcion:

SELECT teste1(1249127) 

The result is 2 (id of the first table record)

Someone can identify the source of the problem?

  • Try changing your return to the bigint type and its Id_final variable and return without cancat, this eliminates a lot of your problem then try to convert and concatenate to return a string

1 answer


Change the name of your input variable. Always good to put a prefix in the name of the variables so as not to confuse with the column name. ex: p_id_fb. p = parameter. Ex:


 CREATE FUNCTION teste1 (p_id_fb INT) -- Nome da váriavel diferente do nome da coluna da tabela


DECLARE ID_final varchar(20);

SELECT `id` INTO ID_final FROM `brindes_teste` WHERE DATE(`data_hora`) = CURDATE() AND `id_fb` = p_id_fb LIMIT 1;

RETURN CONCAT('JÁ PARTICIPOU HOJE = ', ID_final, ' ID_FB=' ,p_id_fb );        

 END $$
  • 1

    arllondias, try to give examples, copy the question and show what you are saying by changing it. It is better for those who are doubtful understand. If possible implement with the "why" it is good to use prefix with name, giving references, etc... the more information and explained, the better.

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