Autoload controllers using namespace


Viewed 133 times


I’m trying to give a restructured in a personal microframework, before not used much standard in the structure of the project, now I played all my back-end in the folder source, and I’m using namespaces to separate the code. I’m having trouble doing the autoload, want to give a new Crontrolador() without first having to use the use \Controllers\Controlador.

I never really understood that part so I came to ask for help, currently in my class Core I have the following method which is responsible for making some validations and calling the controller:

private function addControllerAndModel($class, $method, $page = false)
    $class = ucfirst($class);
    $controller = "{$class}Controller";

    if(file_exists(__DIR__."/../../Controllers/{$controller}.php")) {

        echo "Controller existe<br>";


        $instance = new $controller();

        if($page) {
            if(count($_POST)) {
                if($_POST['token'] === Session::get('token') or in_array($_POST['token'], Settings::get('allowsAjax'))) {
                    Session::set('token', false);
                    $method = "{$method}Posted";
                else {
                    Errors::display('Token inválido', DOMAIN);

            else {
                    Session::set('token', md5(crypt(time(), '$1$rasmusle$')));
                $method = "{$method}Deed";

       // else
            //Errors::display("Método não encontrado [{$controller}/{$method}]");
        //Errors::display("Controlador não encontrado [{$controller}]");

    echo $this->controller . " / " . $this->method;

Briefly, I see if there is the requested controller file, if there is I import the Models related to that controller, and then I prompt the controller, after that I have some security controls, and finally I call the desired method.

Currently error on line 126 ($instance = new $controller();):

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Homecontroller' not found in /home/Leonardo/www/tcc/newframework/source/Kernel/Kernel/Core.php:126

Follow the folder structure of my project:



The mentioned function is present in Core.php, and the controllers are two levels behind and in the Controllers folder. I do not understand how to make such autoloader with namespaces, so the only attempt I have is this method above.

An example of a controller:

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: leonardo
 * Date: 17/09/16
 * Time: 14:52

namespace Controllers;

class HomeController extends Kernel\Control\Controller
    public function startDeed()
        echo "Hello World!!";


It is possible to give new HomeController() undeclared use Controllers\HomeController? I tried using:

$instance = \Controllers\{$controller}();

But it didn’t work :(

1 answer


The problem is how you’re instantiated your class.

Do not mix the object declaration with strings, because it won’t work.

Instead, concatenate the class name with the namespace expected in a string:


namespace Legumes {

    class Batata {



// volta para o namespace global
namespace {
    $classe = 'Batata';

    // Cuidado especial com a barra invertida, ela é utilizada como escape
    $fqn = "\\Legumes\\{$classe}";

    $instance = new $fqn;


Behold spinning.

  • It worked, I don’t know how I got that simple detail kk

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