What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Baas


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Yesterday I attended a lecture where I was presenting some things about BaaS(Backend as a Service). After that some doubts arose:

  • Following this model the need to create a back-end for complete is eliminated leading the project to be completed faster, but on the contrary what is lost with it?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the model compared to the traditional model where we developed the whole back-end? The fact that you do not know the structure of the Baas service can influence something?
  • 2

    I do not know how to answer precisely, but I know the mentality of the industry. This seems to have been created to solve a problem of its own, to create a new product, more than to solve a problem, which even solves a little, otherwise nobody would buy. It certainly started to prevent piracy. Gathering mass data is a "great" side effect. Sell something with added value (value can be benefit or can be only cost same). The question is pertinent to raise the gain of doing this and exposing the problems. I hope you have good answers. I could only give a half-mouth.

  • I just realized something. Advantage and disadvantage compared to what? Nothing? There has a lot of advantage, most generic to buy anything ready, no matter how delivery. If you compare this model with a traditional library model, then the advantages are much smaller and the disadvantages increase well. I realized this because the answer given compares with nothing, ie do everything in hand. I do not consider a fair comparison of models. And the answer is not wrong because the question is not specific. In a way it is broad.

  • @bigown Really, I’ll try to improve more the question.

1 answer


This your doubt resembles the doubt between creating a site from scratch or using a Wordpress, I think the advantages and disadvantage are similar. In my experience using a Baas (Firebase) are:


  1. You don’t need to take time/money to create a back-end
  2. Your back-end cloud hosting costs are usually more expensive than the cost of the Baas
  3. Your back-end is updated to a better security and optimization without the need for you to do nothingness
  4. You have a good integration between services
  5. Other services such as bug testing are also offered by these systems
  6. If the big players of the market are creating this kind of service it is because it adds value and there is market


  1. You only depend on the features Baas provides you
  2. You must trust your data to the service provider company
  3. You are relying on the security system of the service
  4. Some functions may be limited to your application
  5. You may be kicked out of the service for some reason and lose access
  6. You depend on this company, if it closes you will have to migrate to another service provider

It may seem that there are many disadvantages, but I believe that only a very specific application does not fit in the use of a Baas, I use Firebase and it supplies all my needs besides having a very generous free version.

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