How do I match a value of an array with another value in another array in Java?


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I know how to get the value of an array position and compare the array values. As code below.

for (int i = 0; i < listadosWifi.size(); i++) {
        /* pega o SSID e o BSSID */
        providerName = "\n"+(listadosWifi.get(i).SSID).toString()+ "\n"+(listadosWifi.get(i).level);
        listViwProvider = (ListView) findViewById(;
        t1.speak("Redes Disponíveis: " + providerName, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null, null);

            if (listadosWifi.get(i).level < -10 && listadosWifi.get(i).level > -50 ) {
                t1.speak("Você está próximo de: " + providerName, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null, null);
                if(listadosWifi.get(i).level < -50){
                    t1.speak("Você está próximo de: " + providerName, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null, null);

Now I want to match 1 value that is in 1 array with another value of another array, even if they change order. Because I want to do a real-time match. How can I do this and use thread to update periodically?

  • You want to check if each element of an array exists in another, traversing all two arrays?! Is that it?

  • No! The following, as shown in the code, is an array that stores the network name and another array that stores the signal strength. But I need to take the first value of the array (nameWifi),(signal), match them and make a comparison with all other values in real time. So that way , using TTS, the app tells me which Wifi I’m closest to and when I walk away from it, the app says I’m moving away. In this , the network that has the largest signal will pass to the previous position?

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