LARAVEL 5.3 Blade template is not updating the page


Viewed 1,027 times


Good morning.

I’m a beginner in the PHP Laravel framework and I’m having the following difficulty:

I write my html inside my .blade.php file and call it in a view on Route but the information I updated in the code is not appearing in the browser, the page gets static without updating the new information even giving CTRL+F5, but if I take the extension .blade.php and leave only . php the information appears. I read several pages on the Internet and several gave the solution to set the 777 permission in the /Storage folder inside my server Buntu that is running apache2. Someone found this mistake recently and managed to give a solution to it?

Thank you.

  • Hello, could you post your code for us to analyze? Especially the part where you call the view and the exact name of the .blade.php file

  • Welcome to Stackoverflow, your question does not give many details. Read this:

  • you don’t need to write .blade.php in the URL, type only the name of the route that loads the view.

  • 1

    Post your code!

  • You need to give us more details, put a part of the code you think is the problem.

3 answers


You don’t have to type .php or .blade.php in the URL to access a page, use only the name of the route that retorna (return) to view, for example;

Route::get('home/paginax', function(){
    return view('minhaview'); // Este é o nome do arquivo

Inside of your briefcase resources/views create a file with the same name that you will use to do the return.


To access the page just use the url as in the example below;

  • Good afternoon Rafael! I am not typing the extension to call the URL in the browser and I am also not typing the extension in the Return of my Route. The problem is that if I leave the .blade.php extension in the same file, inside my resouces/views directory and call this file in my Route, the updates I made in the code do not appear in the browser, if I take the extension. File slide and leave only . php information appears.


I had the same problem! I updated, removed column from table or added and nothing happened! I’ll describe how I solved it and you check it out for you, Move your project up to a code repository like Assembla! at that time it only climbs your project, quite limited with a much smaller size than what is on your computer! checks out of it and applies the command Composer install on the command line console! it will install the dependencies and update the required files ! But make Backup for Security!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


I had the same problem and am new with the framework. I was able to solve (I didn’t like the solution) by renaming the folder that stores the views. Note: I cleaned the caches with the code php artisan cache:clear and it has no effect. I hope you have a better solution than changing the name of the folder.

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