Use html attribute as javascript variable


Viewed 227 times


I’m developing a PHP system that uses an extension for dynamic forms, where I can click a button to add fields (EX: A request can have multiple items, where the items are the fields added dynamically).

The extension I use (I don’t think it’s necessary to mention, since the problem isn’t with it) has in its configuration a parameter where I can specify the field limit that can be added dynamically, can be infinite or not.

When the extension is rendered, it generates a snippet of javascript code, where in this snippet, there is a variable that contains a JSON with the previously established parameters, among them the parameter "limit", which is the parameter I want to change at runtime.

So far so good... The problem is that such a variable that contains JSON, has a random suffix in the name, for example dynamicform_5ed2807a or dynamicform_7fg2802c.

The name of this variable I can find out, because there is a div with the fixed class dynamicform-wrapper containing the attribute data-dynamicform, and the value of this attribute is exactly the variable name.

Therefore, I tried to do as follows, without success:

var x = $(this).attr('data-dynamicform');
console.log(x.limit); // Note que limit é o nome da 'key' que eu quero pegar o valor

In the example above, it returns Undefined, and should return an integer number, which is the field limit.

Following link from Jsfiddle:

How can I solve this problem?
Thank you very much!

  • you can show how the HTML of that element is data-dynamicform? If that’s a JSON you need to do var x = JSON.parse($(this).attr('data-dynamicform'));

  • Hello. Actually the html attribute looks like this: data-dynamicform="dynamicform_5ed2807a". JSON is the variable I want to access, which has the same attribute name.

  • So what do you expect to return with x.limit?

  • I hope to return the value of limit, which is in the javascript variable of the same name. See: var dynamicform_5ed2807a = {"widgetContainer":"dynamicform_wrapper","widgetBody":".container-encaminhamentos","widgetItem":".item-encaminhamento","limit":4}

  • Ah, I see. And this variable is created as? via PHP? can you change the way it is created?

  • It is created with random name, so I need to access it by the data-dynamicform attribute, because its value is the same variable name.

  • But can you control this Javascript in PHP? you can change to be for example dynamicforms.dynamicform_5ed2807a = {"widgetCont... ? Without var, but adding a new property to an object.

  • No, because in case of updating the extension in PHP, I lose all the changes I made. And it is updated via dependency manager.

  • ok... and this var is in the global scope at least?

  • Yes. It looks like this:

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1 answer


If this variable that is generated by PHP is in the global scope you can access via object window with square brackets (square brackets).

You can access it like this:

var chave = $(this).attr('data-dynamicform');
var x = window[chave];


  • It worked! Thank you very much Sergio!!

  • @jflizandro great! I asked many questions to better understand the problem :)

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