How to give Play/Pause in a SWF contained in an HTML?


Viewed 1,102 times


My HTML is like this:

  <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"  width="550" height="440" id="movie" align="">
  <param name="movie" value="swf-file.swf">
  <param name="quality" value="High">
  <param name="bgcolor" value="FFFFFF">
  <param name="_cx" value="5794">
  <param name="_cy" value="4524">
  <param name="FlashVars" value="-1">
  <param name="Src" value="swf-file.swf">
  <param name="WMode" value="Window">
  <param name="Play" value="-1">
  <param name="Loop" value="0">
  <param name="SAlign" value="">
  <param name="Menu" value="-1">
  <param name="Base" value="">
  <param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always">
  <param name="Scale" value="ShowAll">
  <param name="DeviceFont" value="0">
  <param name="EmbedMovie" value="0">
  <param name="SWRemote" value="">
  <embed src="swf-file.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="550" height="440" name="movie" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"  >

I just need a script that makes a Play/Pause button work. I searched in several places, but I couldn’t find any that would suit me. From what I realized With this SWF Format this is a bit difficult.

  • 1

    If I remember correctly each "reader"/flash player has its API and commands. Which reader is using?

1 answer


To do this control you can make an interaction of Javascript and Actionscript. On this website shows how to make an interaction via JS commands.

Below I made a slightly more simplified example and it worked perfectly, but I ask you to check the compatibility in several browsers:

HTML Flash Object:

<object codebase=",0,0,0" width="219" height="171" id="movie">
    <param name="movie" value="teste.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="High">
    <embed src="teste.swf" width="246" height="187" name="movie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

Control buttons:

<a href="">PLAY</a>
<a href="">STOP</a>

If you want to go further or there is a compatibility issue, check the command called Externalinterface, responsible for communication between Flash and Javascript. With it you can pass Javascript commands to Actionscript and vice versa.

  • And it depends on the SWF too, in some does not work the Play/StopPlay(), I think it’s controlled in Stage’s properties.

  • Well, I’m not so sure, but yes, I believe Play/Stopplay() already comes preconfigured in the SWF or JS version of Browser... However, the test I did was simple: I created a Standard SWF in Flash CS6 (Flashplayer 11.4) with a simple move in Timeline of 10 seconds, right after in Notepad++ I created an HTML with imported Flash and it worked.

  • I tested with a pattern too (ok) and with a of these from here (not ok). . . . Oh, yeah, and if you’re going to use Externalinterface you’d better embed it with Swfobject.

  • In fact, these Powtown swfs have already been pre-configured so they can’t play() or stop()... So much so that if you right-click on the SWF, none of these options will appear in the Flash menu.

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