Calling a function in Views in codeigniter


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I have that function in the models:

function sumContasReceber() {
    $somaCR = "SELECT SUM(valor) as SOMACR FROM 
            lancamentos where baixado = 0 AND tipo = 'receita'";
    $resultado = mysql_query($somaCR);      
    return $this->db->get()->result();    

And that function in Controllers:

public function index() {
    if((!$this->session->userdata('session_id')) || (!$this->session->userdata('logado'))){

    $this->data['somaReceber'] = $this->mapos_model->sumContasReceber();
    $this->data['somaPagar'] = $this->mapos_model->sumContasPagar();
    $this->data['contasPagar'] = $this->mapos_model->getContasPagar();
    $this->data['contasReceber'] = $this->mapos_model->getContasReceber();
    $this->data['ordens'] = $this->mapos_model->getOsAbertas();
    $this->data['ordensAG'] = $this->mapos_model->getOsAgendamento();
    $this->data['ordensAP'] = $this->mapos_model->getOsAguardandoPecas();
    $this->data['ordensA'] = $this->mapos_model->getOsAndamento();
    $this->data['produtos'] = $this->mapos_model->getProdutosMinimo();
    $this->data['os'] = $this->mapos_model->getOsEstatisticas();
    $this->data['estatisticas_financeiro'] = $this->mapos_model->getEstatisticasFinanceiro();
    $this->data['menuPainel'] = 'Painel';
    $this->data['view'] = 'mapos/painel';
    $this->load->view('tema/topo',  $this->data);      

And in the Views that:

echo 'Valor Total R$: '**aqui ta minha dificuldade**;

What I put in the View to call the result of the Model?

I’ve tried to: $somaPagar->valor, $somaPagar->$resultado and a lot of bad variants always error.

  • Put the complete Controller code, and something else the Model method seems inconsistent to me.

  • Virgilio... the complete function of the Controller does not fit here in the comments... I will do in the answer.

  • 1

    Ask the question.

  • Ready... I’m almost bald....

  • what error appears?

  • I am not able to make appear in the view the result of the account I am doing in models..

  • I understood what you want, in your attempts you said that always appeared errors, appeared some error php ?

  • yes Magichat... in all attempts, appeared that did not recognize the function or the variable did not exist... I checked N times and there was no error in typing... so I do not know what else to do.

  • Place the php error,

  • The PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: result Filename: mapos/panel.php Line Number: 104 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Trying to get Property of non-non-Object Filename: mapos/panel.php Line Number: 104 Total Value R$:

  • In the previous attempt, I put this in the view: echo 'Total Value R$: '.$sum->$result;

  • puts or points the section referring to line 104.

  • on line 104 is this: echo 'Total Value R$: '.$sum->$result;

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1 answer


Change the code as below:

function sumContasReceber() {

    $somaCR = "SELECT SUM(valor) as SOMACR FROM lancamentos
                          where baixado = 0 AND tipo = 'receita'";
    return  $this->db->query($somaCR)->row();


Na View:

<?php echo $somaReceber->SOMACR; ?>

Codeigniter Reference Site - Generating Query Results

  • I changed the model and view and gave this error: A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Trying to get Property of non-object Filename: mapos/panel.php Line Number: 104

  • @Jardeldint I’m sorry I was on the mobile and it gets bad to see all the possibilities, I remade and edit, take a look now

  • now gave this: A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near 'YOUR QUERY' at line 1 YOUR QUERY Filename: /home/molu/public_html/ossystem/models/mapos_model.php Line Number: 119

  • 1

    it worked... hehehe.. I hadn’t seen YOUR QUERY... I switched to somaCR and it worked... THANK YOU FRIEND!!! Take the rope off my neck!

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