Accessing Viewbag list via Javascript


Viewed 258 times


I am trying to access the elements of a list stored in Viewbag as follows:

function equipamentoTemControle() {

   for(i = 0; i < @ViewBag.qtdEquipamentos; i++) {

      var contratocod = @ViewBag.DadosEquipamentos[i].contratocod;


But when trying to access the attribute contratocod of the Indian i Visual Studio says that the variable i does not exist. How should I access ?

  • Shouldn’t be qtdEquipamentos[i].contratocod; instead of DadosEquipamentos[i].contratocod;?

  • No, because Viewbag.qtdEquipments is an integer, and Viewbag.Data Equipment is the list I want to access.

  • But the array is qtdEquipamentos right? in that case maybe qtdEquipamentos[i].DadosEquipamentos.contratocod?

  • No. qtdEquipments is only an integer. The array is Dataequipments

  • What gives alert(typeof @ViewBag.DadosEquipamentos);?

  • System.Collections.Generic.List`1[SCO.Models.Equipmentsmodel]

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var jsonObj = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.DadosEquipamentos));

for(i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) {

    var contratocod = jsonObj[i].contratocod;

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