Problem with AJAX Request


Viewed 40 times


I’m doing a user login system. When the User makes the form Ubmit the AJAX request is not working and the page switches to login.php


$("form").submit(function() {

    if ($("#login_username").value() != "" && $("#login_password").value() != "") {

           url: $("#login-form").attr('action'), //login.php
           data: $("#login-form :input").serializeArray(),
           method: $("#login-form").attr('method'), //post
           success: function(data) {
    else {
        $("#text-login-msg").text("Digite o Usuário e senha").css('color', 'red');
    return false;   

It seems that the Return false is not working

  • It seems to be javascript errors. I think the atr() must be attr()

  • even after correcting the errors of atr() keeps making the same mistakes

  • What error? vc need to turn on the error console in one’s browser F12 ai.

  • I managed to fix the error, it was some syntax error in IF

  • 1

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1 answer


The return false; only works in Javascript inline in HTML.
For example (

<form onsubmit="return enviar();">

To stop inside an Event Handler, which is your case, you have to use the .preventDefault();.

In your case it would look like this:

$("form").submit(function(e) {

However, if in no case will you send the form you could attach the event handset to a button or other element and call ajax, without having to send the form. Suggestion only.

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  • 2

    @rray "Event Handler" ->

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