Problems starting IIS Express via c#


Viewed 74 times


I need to start IIS Express via C# with WPF. I can even upload the site and navigate, but only for a few seconds. Logo the site stops responding to requests, and only return reply when I close the application.

private void WinPrincipal_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

public void IniciarSite()
    string path = @"C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe";
    string argumentos = @"/path:C:\Sites /port:9090 /systray:true";

   if (!File.Exists(path))
      throw new FileNotFoundException();

   var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
     FileName = path,
     Arguments = argumentos,
     RedirectStandardOutput = true,
     UseShellExecute = false,
     CreateNoWindow = true

Initially I thought it was because I was using some unusual doors like 9092, 8082. Then I started testing with the 9090, but it also happens, stops responding and only comes back when you close the application.

I also noticed that when I compile in "debug" the problem happens, but when compiling in "release" works normally.

1 answer


I solved my problem by creating a Console Application that makes the release of Iisexpress. I pass the arguments to this application, it takes charge of starting the IIS process then closes by returning the process code created through the output code(Exit code)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args == null)

        string exeIIS = args[0];
        string caminhoFisico = args[1];
        string porta = args[2];

        string argumentos = CriarArgumentosInicializacaoIISExpress(caminhoFisico, porta);
        int processoID = LancarIISExpress(argumentos, exeIIS);


    private static int LancarIISExpress(string argumentos, string pathExeIIS)
        var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
            FileName = pathExeIIS,
            Arguments = argumentos,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            UseShellExecute = false,
            CreateNoWindow = true

        return process.Id;

    private static string CriarArgumentosInicializacaoIISExpress(string caminhoFisico, string porta)
        var argumentos = new StringBuilder();
        argumentos.Append(@"/path:" + caminhoFisico);
        argumentos.Append(@" /Port:" + porta);
        return argumentos.ToString();

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