To create a simple app that finds routes between two places based on Google Map address, you can use Google Map Direction API.
The Google Maps Directions API is a service that calculates routes between
places using an HTTP request.
A Google Maps Directions API request has the following format:
where output can be one of the following values:
- json (recommended) indicates the output in Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
- xml indicates the output as XML
To access the Google Maps Directions API via HTTP, use:
Github has a project where you can start your application: Googlemapdirectionsimple Create a simple app that find a path between two Places.

Google has made a change to the guidelines regarding the terms of use. Now in order to use your Google Maps API services, you need to enter the key into the URL. See how get a key/authentication.
For example, who wants to leave São Paulo and go to Curitiba, you should do so:
See here the first steps for the use of the service.
So that the Polyline can be softer you have to use more points.
– ramaral
So my fear is to end the user’s data plan, not counting the battery that will drain...
– Thiago Luiz Domacoski