Update a record with a single field


Viewed 130 times


I’m using the L5-Repository in my project, but I’m having the following difficulty:

I have the code below to make the Slug is unique, but when I update it says Slug already exists, when in fact it is the Slug from the very record I am editing. How can I resolve this?

class LandingValidator extends LaravelValidator
    protected $rules = [
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_CREATE => [
            'slug' => 'required|unique:landings,slug',
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_UPDATE => [
            'slug' => 'required|unique:landings,slug',

I tried this way, but it didn’t work:

ValidatorInterface::RULE_UPDATE => [
    'slug' => 'required|unique:landings,slug,'.$landing->id,

Fatalerrorexception in Landingvalidator.php line 25:

syntax error, Unexpected '$Landing' (T_VARIABLE)

1 answer


I think your problem is something else. The mistake Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected T_VARIABLE means that PHP was not expecting the definition of a variable at any given time.

Check out this answer here to learn more about this error.

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