Firebase does not communicate with app


Viewed 352 times


I recently started working with firebase. I am following a tutorial on the internet, and in my application the status does not update. I know that with Firebase he updates on time. I’m working on the company’s internal network and it contains a firewall. Is the firewall blocking ?

If so, does anyone know which door ?

  • You confirmed that this only happens on your company’s network?

  • Not yet. I started doing it now at the company and came across this. I will try again today at home.

1 answer


Yes, it may be that your firewall is blocking. Read this article from Implementation of the connection server protocol.

If your organization has a firewall that restricts traffic to/from Internet, you need to configure it to allow connectivity with the FCM for Firebase Cloud Messaging client applications receive messages. The doors to open are: 5228, 5229 and 5230. Normally, the FCM uses only port 5228, but occasionally uses the 5229 and 5230 ports. FCM does not provide specific Ips, so you must authorize the firewall to accept outgoing connections with all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google’s ASN 15169.

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