Swap sidebar positions directly on phpmyadmin


Viewed 31 times


I’m having a problem in wordpress where it’s not leaving clicar and arrastarto change the positions of widgets (not only widgets but the whole site). I need to change only the positions of 2 widgets that are there, I would like to put the last 2 first, but I could not so far. I went to the table options and edited the sidebars_widgets but it gave me no result, it seems that nothing happened.

This is the content of sidebars_widgets that I have:

  • If it is not working, it is because there is a plugin or theme that is conflicting. Have you tried to disable the plugins? If you have many plugins start with the ones you think are more Insignificant, turn off 3 in 3. When the ordering of widgets works again, you order and activate the plugins again. It is worth testing with another browser as well. Another tip is to look in the browser console and check if it is giving error.

  • Is the code you put above original or is it already modified? If the modified is put the original code if it is still run in text as in the database

  • @Fabianocacinpinel It is the origin of this. I only put this way to understand better, but it is all in 1 line only

  • i tried and convert into array using the wordpress maybe_unserialize function the way you passed and showed nothing. I made a test using a code of my wordpress and it worked.

  • If in your theme or in some plugin are setting the position of widgets you will never be able to do this by changing directly in the database. Because you can change there but then the code rotates and changes again. My guess is something in your theme. Look in the functions.php or "extenteded search" file for widgets in your theme files.

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