wp-login redirecting to old domain


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I downloaded wordpress to another folder and the problem is that when I log in and click the button to validate, it redirects (successfully logged in) to the old domain. I already switched the baseurl and home to the new domains but is still redirecting. What may be ?

  • Try adding these two lines in wp-config: define('WP_HOME','http://example.com');

  • Are you sure you switched from the right base? make sure you are setting up the correct base baseurl, home, looking at wp-config.php, I usually use the Migrate DB plugin, which replaces all Urls for the database for migration.

  • @Miguel I already put and it didn’t help ;/

  • @Fabianocacinpinel This plugin migrates everything you have in the wp database ?

  • 1

    @He exports the whole bank to you. On export it gives you the option to replace the URL x with the URL y, so you can replace the current URL with the future URL. You also want to configure the . htaccess to the new folder.

  • @Alissonacioli Have you created a new base for this new installation? I’m guessing your script is set up for the old bank and you’re setting up in the new bank.

  • @Fabianocacinpinel I installed wordpress and just played the same wp-content and wp-includes folder for this new installation, plus I also played the same bank.. But I got it here. Migrate DB didn’t work properly on my wp here, but it gave me the idea to go on sublime and locate and replace everything from the old system to the new and gave OK. Thank you!

  • @Alissonacioli that good that you got it, maybe you haven’t installed the right plugin, this is the https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-dbplugin/.

  • @Fabianocacinpinel was himself, only I click on the tabs and it does not open, I click on "Export" and he does nothing.. But I think it’s this customer wp problem that is weird rsrs. But the good thing is that I got :)

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