Some js are printing a strange number on my page


Viewed 46 times


Some Javascript or js is printing a strange number right at the bottom of the page on website here.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I have tried to remove 1 java script at a time, but I did not find the cause of it,

Is it the very thing jquery that this strange number appears?

Has anyone ever been through it or knows what it is and can guide me?

  • 2

    I’d say it’s on the server side... you’re using PHP?

  • yes php 5.3 , but it came out of nowhere without any changes being made

  • really mujito strange this, this div in layout html is just below the body tag

  • dl=0

  • look at the source Cod where the number appears dl=0

1 answer


I managed to solve the problem

opencart has in the header a function that prints the Analytics user in \catalog\view\theme\yourtheme\template\common\header.tpl

found this here

<?php echo $google_analytics; ?>

I just commented

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