URL with characters in Webview Android


Viewed 49 times


I have to display a page on an android webview using a URL returned by the server. The problem is at the end of the URL where there are two dots (..) but when I pass the string to the webview these dots are ignored and it is not possible to open load the contents. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Exemplifying:

wvBillet = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.wb_billet);
 WebSettings ws = wvBillet.getSettings();

The URL in question would look like this:


When I call the webview and pass the URL it reads even before the .. - Does anyone have any suggestions of what can be done?

  • Can you show us the URL, or piece of your code that is ignoring this URL? Edit your own post to show.

  • The browser itself (in my case Firefox) ignores the colon.

  • @ramaral even in my machine’s browser ends up being necessary the two points but the case here is that I need to display it directly in the webview (inside the app).

  • Try exchanging points for %46%46

  • @ramaral Unfortunately even using your suggestion there has been no progress yet.

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