In the above example the variable $rule
is getting a pattern that matches anything non-alphanumeric.
To validate alphanumerics, this pattern will probably be used to replace everything that matches it with a String of zero length ("").
If you want to know if in the cited example it is possible that some non-alphanumeric character remains in the String after the replacement the answer is NAY.
$string = 'qualquer coisa !@#$%¨&())_+';
$rule = "/[^A-Za-z0-9]/";
$resultado = preg_replace($rule, "", $string);
echo $resultado;
Realize that not even space has passed.
It is only possible to circumvent a regular expression if there are flaws in the elaboration of it. Otherwise, as in the cited example, can’t.
Maybe you can help:
– vinibrsl