Spinner Android Studio


Viewed 251 times


I’m putting a Spinner in my project, and I wanted to put some kind of hint on it and change the background color of it.

For example: when entering the screen, will this written "Select", and when opening the Spinner, the "Select" must be with the background color different from the options, to type separate the title from the options.

  • Your question was edited for misuse of the tag android-studio

  • Could you better detail your problem? Has any picture that illustrates what you want to do?

  • For example:<Spinner android:id="@+id/spinner" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="0dp" android:layout_weight="10" android:prompt="@string/title" android:dropDownSelector="@drawable/card_master" tools:listheader="@layout/custom_textview_spinner_color_text" android:background="@drawable/shape_input_white"/> But the prompt is not working, I also tried spinnerColorChange.setPrompt("Title"); but it didn’t work either.

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