How to access a Managedbean through an external js file?


Viewed 278 times


How do I access a Managed bean jsf through an external javascript file? I am trying to access it as follows:


but it’s not working.

below follows my xhtml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui:composition xmlns=""

    <ui:define name="corpoPagina">
        <div id="divCadastroMaterial">
        <h1 style="width:100%;text-align:center;">Cadastro de Material</h1>
            <h:form prependId="false" id="formularioCadastroMaterial">
                <h:outputLabel value="Titulo"/>
                <h:inputText class="form-control"/>
                <h:outputLabel value="Categoria"/>
                <h:inputText class="form-control"/> 
                <h:commandButton class="btn btn-primary" value="Cadastrar" id="botaoCadastroMaterial"/>


I need a function to be executed in my js file when a boot is triggered in xhtml, which has as an implementation the call of a method of my Managed bean.

1 answer


  1. creates a button where the action is what you want

<h:commandButton action="#{cadastroMaterialController.salvar()}"/>

  1. creates an id for that button

<h:commandButton id="botao_fantasma_para_chamar_via_js" action="#{cadastroMaterialController.salvar()}"/>

  1. makes him invisible

<h:commandButton id="botao_fantasma_para_chamar_via_js" action="#{cadastroMaterialController.salvar()}" style="display: none" />

  1. make the call of action by:


  • po, I’ll do it that way anyway, thanks a lot.

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