belongsToMany Laravel - find()


Viewed 2,215 times


I’m developing an Intranet that will contemplate Categories and Posts. A post can receive "n" categories.

To that effect I’m using belongsToMany().

The problem is when returning this data with Post::find($idpost), it returns not only 1 record but all post records in that table pivot is related.

I haven’t found anything like it and I don’t know if I’m doing anything wrong.

The create is running perfectly, the problem is when I ask to return only 1 record.

I inserted belongsToMany() in the 2 tables, Posts and Categories.

Could someone tell me if this behavior is normal or if there is something wrong in the logic/construction?

PS: Laravel 5.2


table: posts
pk: id

table: Categories

table: category_post
pk: id
fk: post_id
fk: category_id

namespace App\Intranet;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $connection = 'mysql_intranet';
    protected $fillable = ['title', 'text', 'categories'];

    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Intranet\Category');

namespace App\Intranet;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Category extends Model
    protected $connection = 'mysql_intranet';
    protected $fillable = ['categoria', 'herdado'];

    public function posts()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Intranet\Post');
  • I think I should return a record, only the post with id X

  • That’s right, Miguel. I have 3 Posts records, id 35, 36 and 39. Anyone who tests, he returns me all Posts. Not only the ID I want.

  • Check on the model Post if you are acting at the right table, protected $table = ..

  • If you pass one array for find, it will bring more than one value. See if $idPost is a array or int.

  • I used convention. Do I need to declare anyway? Table names are: posts and Categories

  • the $idPost is integer... even tested by typing the numeric value, without variable.

  • try to put the name of the pivot table as category_post in the singular...

  • @Marcogarcia enter the code of the 2 models, please.

  • Ready @Rafaelacioly

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3 answers


You can use the hasMany instead of belongsToMany. Seria belongsToMany if you did the SELECT through the table Categorypost.



public function categorias(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\CategoryPost', 'post_id');



use App\Post;    
public function index(){

    $posts = Post::find(1);    
  • Diego, would this Categorypost be the pivot table? But in the case there is no Model for it. That’s right?

  • You have to create the Model for this table.

  • Diego, I don’t quite understand your solution. I could be more specific?

  • Create a Model named Categorypost that refers to your Pivot table.


Have you tried using the relationship hasManyThrough? It serves exactly for relationship ManyToMany, which is what seems to be your case.

There is a complete example in the Laravel documentation below:

Using hasManyThrough, you can define the relationship in both Models and access the multiple related records of each.

I hope I’ve helped! ;)


The convention for pivots is the name of each table (singular) separated by _ alphabetically.


  • I got it, Rafael. But in the case my Migration/table is configured with a pivot table. Would it be a problem in this sense, that is, to declare only hasMany() in the Post, rather than belongsToMany()? This would not misread the pivot table concept?

  • In my case, a post may belong more than 1 category. You are judging that a post can only have 1 category, the post_id you mention does not have in tb Categories.

  • what are the field names of the 2 tables you are trying to use the pivot? in the post table and category which is the relationship field?

  • I edited the question, I inserted the basic structure

  • I entered it wrong in EDIT. It’s singular.

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