How to save the checkbox value by choosing only one of these?


Viewed 137 times


I have a form with three checkbox, I want to save the selected value of some of these, but in one of them when clicked, I bring two more checkbox and a input (text) to add additional information to them.

In the code when I test, only the third checkbox is saving in the database, when I click on the first or second, nothing happens.

    <div class="container">
            <input id="lbm-chk-grau1" value="1 Grau" name="escolaridade[]" type="checkbox"> 1&#186; grau

            <input id="lbm-chk-grau2" value="2 Grau" name="escolaridade[]" type="checkbox"> 2&#186; grau

           <input id="lbm-chk-grau3" value="3 Grau" name="escolaridade[]" type="checkbox"> 3&#186; grau

        <div class="form-checkbox">
                <input id="lbm-chk-compl" value="Completo" name="superior[]" type="checkbox"> Completo
                <input id="lbm-chk-imcopl" value="Incompleto" name="superior[]" type="checkbox"> Incompleto
            <input type="text" name="IES" placeholder="Nome da Institui&ccedil;&atilde;o" class="form-control">                                              

 <div class="container">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-link" name="btn-registro">Salvar Informa&ccedil;&otilde;es</button>                              


How I try to save with PHP in the database:

$chkAuxEscol =  is_array($_POST['escolaridade'])
                  ? implode(', ', $_POST['escolaridade'])
                  : $_POST['escolaridade'];
$chkSupAux =  is_array($_POST['superior'])
                  ? implode(', ', $_POST['superior'])
                  : $_POST['superior'];

if ( (isset($chkAuxEscol) ) { 

   $chkEscolaridade = $chkAuxEscol;

   if ( isset($chkSupAux) )  
       $chkSuperior = $chkSupAux;
       $IESParticipante = security_data_2($_POST['participanteIES']); 

// Outra forma que tentei salvar
foreach($chkAuxEscol as $key => $auxEscol) {

    switch($auxEscol) {
       case "lbm-chk-grau1" :
              $chkEscolaridade = "1º Grau";
       case "lbm-chk-grau2" :
              $chkEscolaridade = "2º Grau";
       case "lbm-chk-grau3" :
              $chkEscolaridade = "3º Grau";
       default : break; 

foreach ($chkSupAux as $key => $supAux)
    switch($supAux) {
           case "lbm-chk-compl" :
                  $chkSuperior = "Superior Completo";
           case "lbm-chk-imcopl" :
                  $chkSuperior = "Superior Incompleto";
            default : break;                  

$pdo = Database::connect();


$sql  =  "INSERT INTO participantes(escolaridade, escolaridade_detalhes, escolaridade_instituicao) "; 
$sql .=  "VALUES(? , ?, ?)"; 

$q = $pdo->prepare($sql);
  • If you only want the value of a checkbox, it would not be better to use a radiobox?

1 answer


  1. Make explicit the form configuration with action="post".
  2. Make sure the tags html name="escolaridade[]" be the same thing you want in $_POST. Example, if name="escolaridade" use $_POST['escolaridade'] or use $_POST['escolaridade[]'] as it is in your html.

If it doesn’t work.. mark all three options and paste the result of $_POST['escolaridade'].

  • It didn’t work, I already changed this block with foreach and switch and still no save.

  • @Diego.Santos is another problem that has nothing to do with getting information from the form.

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