Lose value in getIntent()


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My problem is this... I have a routine of notifications that the user click on the notification screen, open a new Activity. In this new Activity I show some information that I search in the database depending on the code I pass by parameters, however, I am not able to recover this code in the new Activity.

I will put the classes to explain better:

This class below I call as soon as I enter the notification in the database:

public class AlarmUtilSessao {    

    // Agenda o alarme com repeat
    public static void scheduleRepeat(Context context, Intent intent, long triggerAtMillis, long intervalMillis, int id) {
        PendingIntent p = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, id, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
        AlarmManager alarme = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
        alarme.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, triggerAtMillis, intervalMillis, p);

In my Manifest I call by receiver the class that makes the notification:

<receiver android:name=".Lembretes.LembreteSessao">
                <action android:name=".Alarm.Lembretes.LEMBRE_SESSAO" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

My class that is triggered by the receiver is the one below. I correctly receive the ID and work with it in the database:

public class LembreteSessao extends BroadcastReceiver {
    private static final String TAG = "Sessao";
    public static final String ACTION = ".Alarm.Lembretes.LEMBRE_SESSAO";

    String currentTime, currentDate, newDate, newTime;
    int Ano, Mes, Dia, Hora, Minu;
    Date time, date;
    SimpleDateFormat timeFormat, dateFormat;
    JN_26_Alertas horarioModel;

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        ctx = context;
        codigo = intent.getIntExtra("ID_SESSAO", 0);

        Intent notifIntent = new Intent(context, lembrete_sessao.class);//alterar

        NotificationUtil.create(context, 3, notifIntent, R.mipmap.ic_launcher, "Sessao", "Verifique a Sessao");

        //new Thread() {
          //  public void run() {
                //...Acessos e manipulações do banco de dados
        //    }
        notifIntent.putExtra("TIME", currentTime);

Hitherto the system received and correctly passed values by putExtra and getIntExtra, however, by clicking on the notification shown on the mobile screen, the value arrive on the next empty screen:

public class lembrete_sessao extends ActionBarActivity implements View.OnClickListener,

    private TextView                    horaReceita;
    private int                         codigo, idRem = 0, qtd = 0;;
    private ListView                    lista;
    private JN_65_RemedioSessaoAdapter  remedioSessaoAdapter;
    private List<JN_25_RemedioSessao>   listRemSessao = null;
    private String                      msgSMS = null;
    private RadioButton                 Whats, Messenger, SMS, Nenhum;
    private String                      ConfiguracaoAlarme = null, Time = null;
    private ArrayList<Integer>          codArrayRemedio = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private AlertDialog                 alertConfirmacao;
    private EditText                    foneSMS;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        codigo = 0;
        codigo              = getIntent().getIntExtra("ID_SESSAO", 0);
        Time                = getIntent().getStringExtra("TIME");

The variable TIME also arrives null, however, it is not of such importance... if I can get the value of the code I can recover the value TIME in the database... any suggestions? And thanks in advance.

1 answer


Try it like this:

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if(extras == null) {
    id_sessao = null;
} else {
    id_sessao = extras.getString("ID_SESSAO");
  • use the Bundle both to pass and to receive?

  • Yes, use the Bundle for two, the difference is that to pass is putExtra and to receive is getExtra.

  • Worse that didn’t happen either ...

  • Make another simple app with just two screens, try to pass the parameters between them and tell us what happens.

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