How do I make a countdown chronometer to a date?


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Good is the following I have a following date with an hour, and I would like to know how I could make a countdown chronometer, with days hours and minutes and seconds until I reach that date and that time.

Example: The date set in javascript is 18/08/2016 at 20:02 and 16 seconds, that is, the chronometer will have to show how many days, minutes and seconds to reach this date with countdown in real time.

How can I do this with javascript?

Thank you.

2 answers


That’s the least to start with, but I think it already helps.

//aqui vai sempre ser a hora atual
var startDate = new Date();
//como exemplo vou definir a data de fim com base na data atual
var endDate = new Date();

//aqui é a diferenca entre as datas, basicamente é com isso que voce calcula o tempo restante
var dateDiff;
var days, hours, minutes, seconds;
var $day = $('#dias');
var $hour = $('#horas');
var $minute = $('#minutos');
var $second = $('#segundos');
var $debug = $('#debug');
var timer;

function update(){
	dateDiff = endDate - startDate;
  dateDiff = dateDiff / 1000;
	seconds = Math.floor((dateDiff % 60));
  dateDiff = dateDiff / 60;
  minutes = Math.floor((dateDiff % 60));
  dateDiff = dateDiff / 60;
  hours = Math.floor((dateDiff%24));
	days = Math.floor(dateDiff/24);
timer = setInterval(update, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="dias"></div>
<div id="horas"></div>
<div id="minutos"></div>
<div id="segundos"></div>
<div id="debug"></div>


You can use some blibioteca of Countdown, below follows an implementation used the blibioteca developed by Hugo Giraudel


new Countdown({
  selector: '#countdown',
  msgAfter: "O Evento Iniciou!",
  msgPattern: "{days} dias, {hours} horas, {minutes} minutos e {seconds} segundos até a data do evento!",
  dateEnd: new Date("2016-08-18T20:02:16"),
  onEnd: function() {
    alert('O Evento Iniciou!');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="countdown"></div>

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