How to choose date in timestamp


Viewed 86 times


I have the following line of code:

round(microtime(true) * 1000)

in order to catch the timestamp in milliseconds of the current time. I need to pick a future date, example, 10 or 5 minutes ahead. How can I do this?

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2 answers


One option is to use the function DateTime::add:

$dataQualquer = new DateTime();
$dataQualquer->add(new DateInterval('PT10M')); // 10 minutos no futuro
echo 'Timestamp:'.$dataQualquer->getTimestamp();


You can use the time PHP, which returns the team in seconds.

// time atual em segundos
$now = time();
// adicionando 5 minutos
$futuro5min = $now + (5*60);
// adicionando 10 minutos
$futuro = $now + (10*60);

Remember that the timestamp is in seconds. To get in milliseconds, just multiply the final result by 1000.

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