Is it possible to capture the current url in the Blade view?


Viewed 5,344 times


I would like to capture the example url, /user/** (everything that starts with /user), I am using Laravel and Blade, using Request::url() I get localhost:8000 but I need something that can capture the routes. Thank you

2 answers


To get the url in the view you can do:


To check if the second segment of the url has "user":

@if(explode('/', Request::url())[3] == 'user')
    // tem '/user'

Sending this from the controller might be a better idea:

public function logout(Request $request) {
    if($request->segments()[0] == 'user') {
        // url tem como primeiro segmento "user"

Yet another possible solution, without having tested, sorry if it doesn’t work:

if (Request::is('user/*'))
     // code
  • Excellent answer, but a suggestion, could pass this via controler not? So it would get more "clean" to the view, from my point of view some things are preferable in the controller. It’s just a suggestion.

  • Of course I did @Guilhermenascimento, I’ll add

  • @Miguel Thank you, I did a little different but following your logic, hug.

  • You’re welcome @Felipepaetzold. Glad I could help


I do it like this in the Valley:


//Pegar o primeiro que é "user"

//Pegar o segundo é "teste"

It already ignores the default URL and picks up the route directly.

In case to check if it starts with "user" you would do so in Blade:

{{ Request::segment(1) == 'user' ? 'verdadeiro' : 'falso' }}


@if(Request::segment(1) == 'user')
    //Suas instruções aqui

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