Extract only numbers from a Javascript text box


Viewed 249 times


How do I extract the numeric value from a javascript text box, e.g.:

valor imputado = 1a321q00
valor extraido e adicionado na variável = 132100

I thank those who help me

  • 2

    "text box" Is that an input or a textarea? You can show HMLT?

3 answers


You can filter the field value:

var valor_extraido = valor_extraido.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');


You can use regular expression to replace all characters that are not numbers, this is represented by \D, the g in the end means that the substitution is done on all found elements by default (without the g) only one replacement is made.

"1a321q00".replace(/\D/g, "")


You can set the input with type number:

<input type="number" />

Detail is that the character and can be used as it means exponentiation.

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