SELECT issues with postgresql


Viewed 381 times


I am making a migration from mysql to postgres, but there is an error happening, not much experience with postgres:


                FROM corridas c 
                WHERE c.motoqueiro = 
                AND (c.status = 0 OR c.status = 1)) as total 
FROM motoqueiros m 
WHERE now() - INTERVAL '17888 SECONDS' <= data_update 
AND count(total) = 0;

Error message:

ERROR: column "total" does not exist LINE 2: ... INTERVAL '17888 SECONDS' <= data_update AND Count(total) = 0 ^

********** Error **********

ERROR: column "total" does not exist SQL state: 42703 Character: 198

someone can help me?

  • Managed to correct the error with the answer?

  • @GOKUSSJ4 not yet brother!

  • Rubens, you could post the tables corridas and motoqueiros with sample data and what you expect as a result of that query?

2 answers


Your mistake is because you want to use a columnar that does not exist in your context(table), ie the total column does not exist yet, you are renaming it from your sub select, if you want to use it so you will have to do a sub select or use your select instead of this column.

                FROM corridas c 
                WHERE c.motoqueiro = 
                AND (c.status = 0 OR c.status = 1)) as total 
FROM motoqueiros m 
WHERE now() - INTERVAL '17888 SECONDS' <= data_update 
AND (SELECT count(
                FROM corridas c 
                WHERE c.motoqueiro = 
                AND (c.status = 0 OR c.status = 1) = 0;

Or do the sub select

select * from 
    SELECT m.* , (SELECT count( 
                    FROM corridas c 
                    WHERE c.motoqueiro = 
                    AND (c.status = 0 OR c.status = 1)) as total 
    FROM motoqueiros m 
    WHERE now() - INTERVAL '17888 SECONDS' <= data_update 

where = 0;
  • the first gave the error: ERROR: Aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE LINE 7: AND Count(((SELECT ********* Error ERROR: Aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE SQL state: 42803 Character: 245 , the second error: ERROR: Aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE LINE 11: Where Count( = 0; Error ********* ERROR: Aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE SQL state: 42803 Character: 295

  • @Rubensventura, That total is the total of the right internal select, I think your Count has to be in that select . so ... m.* , (SELECT count(, e depois remover do where = 0;

  • worked brother!


I had the same problem in version 4.30, and found that the names of the columns need to be double quotes.

Follow my example:

SELECT round (avg (f.salario_hora)), e.estado 
FROM "Cap16"."TB_FUNC" f, "Cap16"."TB_ENDERECO" e
WHERE f."ID" = e."id_func"
GROUP BY e."estado"

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