move_uploaded_file failed to open stream: No such file or directory


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When I send a photo to update the profile on the system, it returns the following failure: move_uploaded_file(/isequi/public/Assets/img/user_pic/062701-20160807-suicidal.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C: xampp htdocs isequi sys class user.php

The test environment is windows 7 with xampp.

Code used:

$this->picName = basename($_FILES['userPicture']['name']); 
        $this->picExtension = pathinfo($this->picName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); 
        $this->picSize = round($_FILES['userPicture']['size'] / 1000); 

        if($this->picSize == 0) {
            $functions -> generateJsonMsg('selectPicture', null, null, null, $message->message['selectPicture']);
        if($this->picSize > 100)    {
            $functions -> generateJsonMsg('fileIsTooLarge', null, null, null, $message->message['fileIsTooLarge']);
        $functions -> isInArray($this->picExtension, $this->arrayPictureExtensionPermitted, 'extensionNotAllowed', $message->message['extensionNotAllowed']);   

        $this->picName = date('sih-Ymd').'-'.$this->picName;
        $this->picNameDirectory = '/webpage/public/assets/img/user_pic/'.$this->picName;

        if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userPicture']['tmp_name'], $this->picNameDirectory)) {
            try   {
                $this->conn = parent::getconnection();  
                $this->pQuery = $this->conn->prepare(   'update user_detail '.
                                                        'set ud_picture=:picName '.
                                                        'where fk_user_id=:sessionId '.
                                                        'limit 1'   );  
                $this->pQuery->execute(array(   ':picName' => $this->picName, 
                                                ':sessionId' => $session -> sessionId()     ));
                if($this->pQuery->errorCode() == 0) {
                    $functions -> generateJsonMsg('success', null, null, null, $message->message['iconSuccess']);
                else     {
                    throw new Exception();
            catch(Exception $e) {
                $tException = new tException();
                $tException -> newException($e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getTraceAsString());
  • Are you sure that the one you want to delete is the one that was there before the update and that file exists in the path indicated in the error?

  • I did a test inserting an echo using $_FILES['userPicture']['tmp_name'] and checked if the temp file was there, and did not find the.tmp file. The Directive in question /webpage/public/Assets/img/user_pic/ exists

  • That is not what you have to see, in the case of the question you would have to see whether 062701-20160807-suicida.jpg exists in /isequi/public/assets/img/user_pic/

  • This is Miguel.. The file was not created in the folder. I changed the folder’s permission, but it keeps giving the same fault.

  • It’s not the permissions problem. No such file or directory in ... is because there is no /062701-20160807-suicida.jpg or the way is wrong

2 answers


Since it is Windows try to put the absolute path, for example:


Also, check that this folder has full permission (0777)

The error that returned to you "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" says that the directory could not be opened, that is, it does not exist.

  • I didn’t change permission in the folder, I just changed the User Account Control to notify when you have any changes. I searched a lot before posting the doubt, to see if there is any configuration in xampp or windows and found nothing configuration for these.

  • Thanks Alisson. I put the absolute path and it worked.


Apparently the error is not in the code snippet you passed, where is called your function? You are giving an error is in the User Class; probably a class that does not exist in the repository is being instantiated.

  • There is a Jquery call for the method called changePicture.php, this belongs to the user class.

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